Monday, January 27, 2014

Ashley Barnes, 2nd "The System Failed My Son"

A mentally unstable child was admitted to a mental facility under emergency holding, which could maintain the child for a short amount of time, in order to try to stabilize him. However, his time was cut short due to the lack of room, and he was sent back to his home, despite his mental instability. The boy's father was holding conversation with him, when the child started to attack the parent. An attack happened again later that evening, where the father was stabbed. The child then turned a gun upon himself, and committed suicide. A Democratic lawmaker is now trying to better the mental hospital facilities, and make emergency holdings last longer.

Many people consider physical health and mental health to be two separate things. They see mental health as something less impactful than physical health, and a lot of people ignore it, until they themselves are mentally unstable. This father knew that his child needed help, and was in danger of himself and others. It sickens me to think that the father did everything he could, but because of mental health policies, he was released and ultimately ended his life. I hope that mental hospital reforms are made to prevent more incidents like this from happening.

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