Monday, January 27, 2014

"North Carolina police officer indicted in shooting of unarmed man" Tyra Haris, 5th period

Summary: Officer Randall Kerrick of Charlotte, NC has been indicted on the charge of involuntary manslaughter charge after killing an unarmed college student 10 times last September.  The college student was Jonathan Ferrell, a Flordia A & M University football player who crashed his car in a wooded area and knocked on the door of the nearest home in a cry for help. The owner of the home called 911, suspecting Ferrell to be a burglar. Cops found him a short distance away from the home and Ferrell ran towards them. An officier unsuccessfully tazed him and Kerrick proceeded to shoot at Ferrell 12 times.

Analysis: Why has his charge been reduced involuntary manslaughter? He deserves to be charged with MURDER. In the course of duty, officers must know when and when not to fire their weapon. This was obviously not a time to fire a weapon. This case has sparked a lot of national  outrage because it is believed to be race related. Ferrel knocked on the door of a house in a predominately white neighborhood. Ferrel is black and Officer Kerrick is white. Discrimination and prejudice in America is not a resolved issue. I hope justice is served for Kerrick's family's sake & the hope in overcoming racial hate.

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