Monday, March 17, 2014

can whites play other races in movies?

i came across this article of pictures on CNN of famous actors playing roles of people from ethnic descent. There were some roles that i didn't even realize were supposed to be Asian or hispanic, etc. It's interesting: do you think this is right?

As i went through the pictures, there were some who could pull off the part; Audrey hepburn made a surprisingly good Asian woman. But seriously, Jake gyllenhaal as the prince of PERSIA? really Disney? It's hard to tell what is socially acceptable, and if people are actually offended by it or not. Personally, i don't think it's a terrible thing, but it might make the plot line more believable for a middle eastern actor to play, you know, a middle eastern man. As memebers of an arts school, and theater students, what do you think Hollywood should do when casting?

if you want to see other examples click here!!!!


  1. I think it's ok to for example portray someone who is for example, Spanish when you're Italian but when it becomes black-face, yellow-face, a caricature of a race, or something as awful as that I think that it can be pretty disgusting.

  2. I feel that in order to recreate the story as realistically as possible, they should try to cast people that look like the characters. For example, in the BIBLE series on the History channel, everyone in their surroundings looks middle eastern or Persian, etc. but all the main roles of important people in the Bible are portrayed by white actors. I think this is insulting. I don't think its required to cast someone in the race of the character, unless they are trying to recreate a part of history or enhance the reality of a production.

  3. I believe they can but it would just be awful when there's clearly enough actors of different race to take the part.

  4. there is definitely lots of racism going on in Hollywood, always has been. it's getting better but sometimes it seems that things are only progressing at a snail's pace. personally, I hate it when white actors play characters of different races, and like Sam said the caricatures we often see in films and T.V are extremely problematic and horrific and that needs to stop already!

  5. No. Why should a white actor portray another race when there are actors/actresses of color who could portray much better than the white actor could? Hollywood naturally favors white actors/actresses due to the white power structure we have, and we don't need anymore misrepresentation than is currently going on (i.e. like Jared Leto, a cisgender man, portraying a stereotype of a trans woman.)
