Sunday, March 30, 2014

This one is about sex. Sam Smathers 4th

“On ‘Late’-In-Life Virginity Loss”
By: Jon Fortenbury from The Atlantic
Commentary by: Sam Smathers 4th

            This article is about the relationship between when you lose your virginity and psychological damage pertaining to sex. Fortenbury says that the “best” time to lose your virginity is when you are about 17 because people that lose their virginity then tend to have less psychological damage in regards to sex later on in life. But he also provides testimonies from various people that did not lose their virginity until their thirties and suffer no psychological damage. Fortenbury’s closing point is that abstaining from sex for reasons such as nervousness or lack of self-confidence will cause psychological damage to the individual abstaining from sex.
            I think that people should have sex whenever and however they want with whomever they want. I think that abstaining from sex because of past experiences is probably not psychologically healthy, but abstinence is that person’s individual choice and it is not my place to say if this is wrong or right. Sex is one of the most physically intimate things you can do with someone else, and so, it can be expected that some sort of damage could come from this encounter. People should not have sex because they are told they need to by pop culture and the status quo, people should have sex because they want to.


  1. I think there is so much pressure to have sex or to not have sex in the media, pop culture, or just from your friends that it becomes difficult for the individual to determine how he or she feels about it. To some, it is the most vulnerable thing they can imagine, and others are more confident and carefree about it. I do find it interesting that someone conducted a study on it though.

  2. this is very interesting. I agree people should do what they want to do it's not up for us to judge.

  3. We need to abandon this double-edged sword that we hang over our own heads--will you be a slut or a prude? You'll be ridiculed either way, so you might as well do what you want as long as you're safe and consensual and happy and all that good stuff.
