Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Flight 370 passenger's relative: 'All lives are lost' (Haley Hill, 4th)

Flight 370 passenger's relative: 'All lives are lost'

By Michael Pearson and Mitra Mobasherat for CNN

The Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, said that they have evidence from satellite data that the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down in the southern Indian ocean. Although searchers have yet to find even a piece of physical scrap from the plane, the Primer Minister bases his information off of the analysis of the British satellite provider. They came to the conclusion that all lives had been lost after no land was found anywhere near the supposed 'crash site' to land a plane on.
Not only were families notified that all lives were lost with no factual evidence, just theory, but they were sent a text to clarify that their family member's lives were lost.
Police are still considering four factors that could've contributed the missing airplane: hijacking, sabotage, psychological issues, or personal issues of the passengers/crew members.


1 comment:

  1. I think it is terrible to pronounce all of the passengers dead until they find some type of evidence. It sounds to me like they are giving up too easily. I hope they find the airplane. Ashley Barnes 2nd
