Monday, March 31, 2014

How I Met Your Mother comes to an end: Devon Travis

It's true. After 9 years of airing on television,  CBS's "How I Met Your Mother" is coming to an end. With a song on Just Dance 3 for Wii, or coined catchphrases, this is a big deal for pop culture. It's a family that finishes their last words. I'm sure all of us (at least i hope) has seen one episode of HIMYM, and you're touched by it. It makes you laugh, cry, sympathize, and be involved with a set of characters that have been out since I was 5. It'll be a rough night tonight, but I'm glad Ted's kids have finally finished the longest story of how their dad met their mom.

Which brings me to another point, does anyone else get too emotionally attached to movies, music, or books? Personally, I have a special place for One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf, Twisted, and many books (particularly Divergent). Our society has made it it's mission to have new characters that can touch us, but they leave lasting impressions on us. We long for these fictional characters to be real, to talk to us, relate with us. Why are we so psychologically attached? What are some pop culture things you're attached to?

to see the top 20 moments of HIMYM, click here

1 comment:

  1. Whenever an author creates a character, they put a bit of themselves and past experiences they've had into that character. Initially, every character an author writes is an extension of themselves, and that's why I believe we get so attached to them: because we see snippets of ourselves in someone else's life.
