Wednesday, March 26, 2014

8 Year Old Cis-Girl Taken Out of School for Not Being Feminine Enough - Lizy Rutherford 4th Pd

Sunnie Kahl, an 8 year old Virginian, was taken out of her school, Timberlake Christian School, for 'not being feminine enough'. Her grandparents received a letter from the school saying, "We believe that unless Sunnie as well as her family clearly understand that God has made her female and her dress and behavior need to follow suit with her God-ordained identity, that TCS is not the best place for her future education." The problem is apparently far beyond her hair length, which is similar to a cis-boy's usual haircut, but the school administrator would not divulge what exactly it was due to confidentiality. Kahl has since been enrolled in a public school.

Body policing much? Yet another reason we need feminism in the United States. Grown adults should not be afraid of a young cis-girl who acts more 'masculine' than they're used to. Not to mention the whole 'be feminine = have long hair, wear dresses, and act polite" bs is totally sexist and oppressive, especially to exert such an identity on a young girl. The letter is thinly veiled transphobia.


  1. comment by Rhyann Lee 5th period.
    this is so unnecessary. the school should have no business in how she looks

  2. Tyra Harris, 5th period

    I sympathize with the girl and her family as it seems like an act of discrimination. However, private schools are much stricter than public schools and as harsh as it may sound: it's the "right" to expel the girl if doesn't coincide with school policy.

  3. This is ridiculous. The school has no business telling her how to dress. They're also very biased and this is basically discrimination.

  4. I think this is ridiculous simply for the fact that the girl probably wasn't trying to dress in a non-feminine way. She wasn't trying to go against her religion or church in the way she dressed, but others did not see things the same. Very disappointing.
