Monday, March 24, 2014

Aubrey Chick- Malaysia Airlines Families recieve bad news

Today, airline officials told the family members of the passengers on the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that there was no hope for their missing loved ones to be found alive. The family members, who have been waiting 17 long days for news, were overcome with grief and screamed and cried when they heard the terrible news. They were told that the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. It took off March 8th, heading to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. One woman staying at the Lido Hotel in Beijing grieved so hard that she fainted and was sent away in an ambulance along with a few others. Many loud, dreadful cries were heard throughout the hotel. A woman told ABC News, "We are sad. We are managing well because of our faith. We are prepared for the worst and are hoping for a miracle."

This situation is extremely devastating. I can't imagine how these family members feel being told such terrible news. The amount of days they have been waiting, not knowing whether their loved ones are alive or not or where they are, surely have seemed like the longest days ever.


  1. The situation is terrible all around. All of the family members must have been desperately hoping for a miracle the whole time, and this news seems absolute and horrible. I send my best thoughts to the families.

  2. I can't imagine that being anyone I know!! A terrible tragedy and keeping those involved in my thoughts!

  3. My sympathies go out to all the families. It's very saddening to lose family you were supposed to see but now never will.
