Sunday, March 23, 2014

Student suspended for throwing out razor(Rhyann Lee)

Student suspended for throwing out razor(Rhyann Lee)

summary : Adrionna 6th grader  from Bayside middle school came to the aid of a student who was cutting his arm. She took the razor away and through it right away. Instead of getting praised by the school she got 10 day suspension. None of the school officials listened to them or answered their phone calls. The family called 10 on your side to help them get answers. After finally meeting with Adrionna's family school officials ended her suspension.

analysis: School boards are so stupid this made me upset. Adrionna was trying to help and she got punished did the other boy even get anything .probably not which is so unfair.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That was very stupid. She was just trying to help. I can't believe she got punished for that.
