Monday, March 24, 2014

Nia EDwardsTexts to Steencamp reveal jealousy, anger

Current Event
4th period

In south Africa, Oscar Pistious shot and killed the South African model Reeva Steenkamp. Less than three weeks before the incident the girlfriend had reportedly chatted Pistorious telling him that she was afraid of him and his temper. "I'm scared of you sometimes, of how you snap at me." Pisotorious had accused her of flirting with someone at a party which had been communicated between the two of them via WhatsApp, according to the police officer who had seen their chats. The girlfriend had stated that he always throws temper tantrums. Several of their chats were those that acccused Pistorius of jealousy and possessiveness. Pistorius admits that he killed Steenkamp. He fired four shots through a closed door in his house and three of them hit her. Pistorius claims that he believed she was a nightime intruder in his house. He pleaded not guilty to murder.

This story kind of makes me sick. I can't believe that first of all he would shoot at her three times and second of all plead not guilty to murder. I just can't believe that he would do such a thing. Honestly, I hope he gets as much time in prison as he deserves. The judge should not believe his "not guilty" pleading. Obviously with his jealousy and bad temper people can infer that this was no accident.

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