Friday, March 28, 2014

Break you junk food addiction/ Arlesia McGowan Period 4

Article written by: Alia Hoyt
Date written : Thursday, March 27, 2014

            So another healthy thing from meh. Junk food is fairly appealing to me, because I firmly stick to the fact that I don't eat junk food...but I do. It's not a habit....but we all have our moments now don't we? To any of ya'll out there who can;t seem to get away from the junk food arena, but truly have the intentions ( deep down in the bottom of your soul) to do so...this is your place to look...No slackers allowed. So. As this may be deceiving, anything that is considered junk food is anything that contains any kind of excessive salt, sugar, carbs , what not. Soda seems to be the hard one for every body because we all seem to stick to the fact of being that it is a liquid, but sometimes they can be made for the worst. All in all, that isn't even the biggest problem. Its the amount at which we intake the food. Needing to stop? Then stop making so many excuses. Not eating junk food won't kill you and you don't have to totally abandon it....slowly cut it out of your diet, and in about six weeks, your body will be more opposed to the junk food than it was before. Eating the foods that your body is used to, (Veggies, fruits, complex carbs etc. ) will do you a whole world a good in the long run!
         I honestly found this article quite intriging and it served as a good reminder, not that I eat junk food, but just not to start eating it as a habit, so it was very helpful . However, its your body, its your life, do do what you want to, as long as you don't eat something that tempts your taste buds to much.....I'm out.

         More. more. more.
Arlesia McGowan
Period 4

1 comment:

  1. If, every time there is a craving for "junk food" you satisfy that craving by having fruit, or any other healthy food item you will soon get in the habit of satisfying your craving in this way. Humans have evolved so that things that are high in carbs taste especially good to us. So, fruits, which are high in carbs and sugar, are much more beneficial to eat even in large quantities, because they have great nutritional value. Lastly, it is important to remember the all encompassing rule of everything in moderation.
