Monday, March 24, 2014

Malaysia: Missing flight crashed in Indian Ocean- Sarah Klein 4th period

The missing Malaysian Airlines flight whose fate that had consumed the world was revealed to have crashed into a remote corner of the Indian Ocean, by the Malaysian Prime Minister. The news brought final heartbreak to the families of passengers on the flight who have been anguishing as the rest of the world also watched in wonder.
 The Boeing 777 inexplicably disappeared from Asian skies during what was supposed to be a routine overnight flight from Kuala Lampur to Beijing on March 8, 17 days ago, but has become, and remains, a mystery of aviation. The location of Flight 370 is still unknown, but it is most likely somewhere at the bottom of the southern Indian Ocean. Many questions remain unanswered about what brought down the aircraft and why.

I am utterly dumbfounded as to how a plane up and disappears from skies that almost anyone can access and monitor from a technology standpoint. I feel terrible for all of the families who had to suffer through something like this.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be terrible to be one of the family members. Being constantly thrown between hope and sorrow. I hope they are able to come to terms with this conclusion.
