Monday, October 28, 2013

Report: Obama administration knew millions wouldn't be able to keep insurance- Sarah Klein, 4th period

Before the Affordable Care Act became law, President Obama promised Americans they could keep their current healthcare plans if they wanted to do so. But already hundreds of thousands of citizens are being notified that their plans are being cancelled because they do not comply with the new law. There is new evidence that the Obama administration has known for at least three years the cancellations were coming.
This after, while campaigning for his otherwise massive healthcare overhaul, President Obama went out of his way to make one thing clear and simple: if you like your current health care plan, you would be able to stick with it under his reform.
It really makes me sick to think that Obama knew all along that Americans would lose their health insurance at the expense of this great scheme to provide health insurance universally. Clearly, this plan is flawed.

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