Monday, October 21, 2013

Even Obama Madi Frampton 5th

Obama admits his sign up method is slow and not very successful. This is a big frustration for him as well as most Americans just trying to do what they are supposed to! Most will still not agree with this plan even after the sign up is fixed due financial issue and qualifications. I have not heard one good thing or excitment about Obamacare. Yes, it is good that we all have health care and can have treatment done but isn't that what free clinics are for? What about the people that hardly get sick and do not need it? What happens to the people that are barely making enough money to put clothes on there children let alone themselves? Then the immigrants, do they have to have it? There are so many complications with Obamacare and I strongly feel it is to soon and has too many issues to jump in with. 
It has SO many complications a lady fainted during his speech this morning! I am hoping after the Government shut down they have had time to think over there decisions

1 comment:

  1. I paraphrase Mitt Romney, who once said something along the lines of, "there's already free healthcare. It's called the ER; it's open all night!" Mr. Romney had the wrong idea here. Yes, sure, the emergency room. It's open. But you won't get too much further than having your immediate, tangible needs met--after that, if you can't afford it, you're out the door. For the people making barely enough; this bill is for them, meant to make healthcare coverage an availability to all who need it, and there are certainly many who need it. "One good thing," so to speak, is that many, many people who suffered from pre-existing conditions, which rendered them ineligible for healthcare coverage, now have access to such coverage. And as for that fainting lady this morning; I'm pretty sure she wasn't fainting because of Obamacare. The president even extended a hand to support her, saying "I gotcha... this happens when I talk too long."
