Thursday, October 24, 2013

Air Force Embarrassed- Jasmine Easter

Since August the Air Force has experienced some changes in authority because of a few security briefs. The guards responsible for looking after nuclear missiles in North Dakota seem not to be as trustworthy as you would hope.

The missiles are guarded in groups of 2. The two guards take 24- hour shifts. As one sleeps the other works and the missile doors should remain closed at all times. But there have been many incidents coming to surface admitting that set real guards don't always follow these rules. Some leaving the door open while waiting on food delivery. Another officer took an unauthorized nap, then told to lie about it by her supervisor . All of the officers have been disciplined for there actions. Not to mention the debt riding of the Air Force general In charge. But that was because of misbehavior on a business trip.

I find it unsettling that the people I'm charge of guarding our strongest weapons are becoming so careless. Even if there are many layers of security above the missiles, anything can still happen so they should remain alert and be more strict on following the rules. I also wonder why they don't increase security I feel like that is a need. Air Force definitely wins the award for most embarrassed part of the government in 2013.

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