Monday, October 21, 2013

Rare fish washes up on shore Valerie Coahuilas

Oceanside Harbor had an interesting fish wash up to its shores this week. A rare Oarfish washed up dead on the shore and locals called in to report a whale at first but then were immediately shocked to notice it was actually a rare Oarfish that is hardly ever seen by humans. The beast was 13'5" and took fifteen people to carry it out of the shore. The fish is normally inhabiting the deeper parts of the ocean, some 3,000 ft. below sea level. Despite the already giant size, scientist confirmed that the washed up Oarfish was small compared to the 50' average size for this species.


  1. wow this is cool. I wonder how it ended up there.

  2. This is cool! I wish it was still alive though so the scientist could analyze it better - Emily Gray

  3. Wow! Who knew! I think it's fascinating to know that there are more huge creatures lurking in the deep sea other than the giant squid.
    -Hannah Selby 4th Period

  4. This shows how much we have to learn about our planet. While the fish was already known among scientists, its discovery on the shores will cause more investigation and discoveries in the deeper parts of the ocean. "The more we know, the more we don't know."

  5. Too bad it wasn't alive when they found it. Perhaps scientists can use this opportunity to study it.
