Monday, January 29, 2018

Zoe Nguyen- Jay-Z slams Trump's 'shithole' comment as 'hurtful'

Jay-Z slams Trump's 'shithole' comment as 'hurtful'

   Recently, Jay-Z was asked if it was okay for Trump to rudely state that unemployment for African-Americans has dropped, Jay-Z said no, "because it's not about money at the end of the day. Money doesn't equate to happiness. It doesn't. That's missing the whole point. Black unemployment is at a record low. But there's a lot more to the story. "You treat people like human beings. That's the main point," he said. "It goes back to the whole thing -- 'Treat me really bad and pay me well.' It's not going to lead to happiness, it's going to lead to, again, the same thing. Everyone's going to be sick." Trump fired back at Jay-Z on Twitter early Sunday morning. "Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!" Trump tweeted. Jones responded, tweeting, "Someone needs to inform @realdonaldtrump that I ALREADY asked Jay Z whether black employment figures redeem Trump's presidency. And Jay's answer last night on the #VanJonesShow was POWERFUL!!!" Jay-Z explained that many African-Americans and people in middle America have reflexively voted Democrat for years because their families did, but their needs weren't addressed. "My problem with government is, I think they forget that it's real people behind these decisions that they're making. ... We're, like, people going through real things in real time and in real pain. And when you ignore that pain for so long, people -- they will act out, and it's like, 'I want to see something different." And that opens the door to what we're living through now."He added, "Now, politics has become about votes and not about people."  Jay-Z was a frequent visitor at the Obama White House but told Van Jones that he doesn't think he'll get invited while Trump is in office.Jones joked that Trump may surprise him, making a play to be the first "hip-hop president" because he would "get in beefs with people," likes bling and has a plane. "Yeah, well, he doesn't have the struggle," Jay-Z responded. I believe it is ridiculous that our president feels the need to argue on topics in which he is less informed, on especially when those arguments occur via twitter...


  1. I’m afraid I strongly disagree with you here. Trump dropped unemployment rates to the lowest they’ve ever been and this guy finds something wrong with it with no evidence or basis. He didn’t look the fact that many African Americans who previously couldn’t feed their families can now get food on the table. It sounds like he’s the Misinformed one here. He’s a buissness man, and last time I checked Jay-Z isn’t exactly an expert in the field. Let the president do his job. He’s dropping unemployment for the oppressed more than they’ve ever been dropped before. It’s people like this that try to spin his strong points into some racist action that really makes me feel sorry for President Trump. I hope he keeps lowering unemployment rates for Jay-Z and for the rest of us.

    1. You might want to check out Connor Norton's comment on my blog post, because he explains this better than I can, but Trump's been in office a year and that hardly means that he is responsible for the dropping of unemployment rates. This was going on for years before he even ran for president. And Trump's "strong points" aren't TWISTED into racist action, they are blatantly and indisputably racist. And even though it's great that the unemployment rates are so low, there's DEFINITELY something wrong with the fact that the racial unemployment gap isn't changing. That means we're not progressing as a society towards equality.

    2. Also Employment does not necessarily equal food on the table. It's near impossible to support a family on minimum wage.

    3. But, just because the black unemployment rates are the lowest ever doesn't excuse Trump's openly racist behavior.
