Sunday, January 28, 2018

Molly Molthan 1/28/18

Elon Musk's The Boring Company wants to create a network of underground tunnels to ease traffic congestion. He is offering flamethrowers for sale on its website for 500 dollars. On Sunday, Musk tweeted that two thousand flamethrowers have already been preordered. The company said its plan to cap sales at twenty thousand units, but declined to commit any further.  The Tesla owner uploaded a video on his Instagram to "not buy a flamethrower... unless you want to have fun." He also tweeted that "when the zombie apocalypse happens, you will be glad that you have a flamethrower." In order to raise money for their tunnel operation, they have sold merchandise. They sold twenty thousand hats for fifty dollars a piece in 2017!
This is very fascinating to read about and comprehend how advanced technology has become and how it effects our community. Having underground roads to avoid traffic would be very beneficial and would impact our country greatly. This article relates to US history because Musk's generation of massive inventions relates back to the 1800s when technology was first getting started like the telephone and the lightbulb. Our country has come a very long way in over 200 years.


  1. I really hope that their is some process to purchasing a flamethrower to make sure the people that get them are of sane mind and body and aren't going to just torch anything they want. Underground road tunnels sound cool tho.

  2. Olivia Wall- I think underground tunnels seem very innovative and could work. I agree with Trevor that there should be standards for how to get access to the flamethrowers.
