Monday, January 29, 2018

LaCentheah Bagley period 2 "Russian jet flies within 5 feet of US Navy plane, Pentagon says"
Summary: In this article it states that Russo flew it's Su-27 jet about 5 feet within the us jet that was flying at the time. Because the jet was so close to the US, the US jet was forced to fly into its jet wash which is pretty unsafe. This could of caused miscalculation and midair collisions and lead to unlikely things. This and other interactions with Russia took place near th e black sea and is common.
 This article was written by Ryan Browne and Zachary Cohen on January 29, 2018. This article was written for the people who are just interested in this subject and also to let people have little understandings of our connections with foreign countries and how we treat each other. I feel like this shouldn't happen at all because anything could of went wrong with the air crafts and anything could of happened.

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