Monday, January 29, 2018

Allison Majors 1/29

         Four innocent people were shot and killed at a self-serve car wash by Timothy Smith in Pennsylvania. The relationship between these people and Timothy is unknown but the police will be looking into cell phone records to see if they can figure out the relationship. A woman who was riding in the backseat of one of the cars getting shot from the front got lucky and was able to duck for cover from the gunshots. This was a very terrorizing experience for everyone at the car wash that day.
          I can’t imagine how terrible it would feel to be in this situation. An ordinary car wash should not be turned into a place of fear and death. I’m very glad that not too many people were injured and that this was not a mass shooting. I would like to find out the purpose and motives of Timothy’s attacks and if the victims actually deserved it.


  1. I also wrote my current event on this tragic event that occurred. I also can't imagine how this would feel. These people were so innocent.

  2. This man clearly has mental issues and/or a drug problem and needs help.

  3. This is terrible! A normal day and something like this happens so sad!
