Sunday, January 28, 2018

Trump isn't a feminist... (clearly) | Mica Stout

Journalist, Piers Morgan interviewed Trump Sunday during a TV broadcast. When asked if he was a feminist, Trump replied with, "No, I wouldn't say I'm a feminist...I'm for women, I'm for men...and women are doing great, and I'm happy about that." He was later asked about his thoughts on the recent Women's March, that marked the anniversary of the one when Trump was elected. He said something along the lines of, there will always be "marches", but this past march wasn't as supported as it first was, and there weren't as many people who showed up.
Every one is entitled to their own opinion, and he doesn't have to be a feminist. I do feel like there was some sort of disapproval towards women and their protesting from him, and that part doesn't need to be slyly implied in his words. With so much power comes responsibility, as many know, and as President of the United States, some responsibility is to keep quiet about some things that could trigger commotion.


1 comment:

  1. Honestly it doesn't surprise me that he isn't a feminist. I do agree with you, how everyone is entitle to their own opinion.
