Monday, January 29, 2018

Sadie Schiermeyer

Southern Pennsylvania usually doesn’t spend much time in the spotlight, but attention has been drawn to the local car wash that was victim of a shooting. Three friends, as well as the gunman, were shot around 3 am. The three friends were shot by Timothy Smith, the gunman, whom then proceeded to shoot himself in the head. As of late Monday, the doctors in urgent care predicted Smith as not able to survive. It is uncertain of the shooter's relationship with the other three victims. That being said, no motive has been determined. One girl, a friend of the three, was able to hide in the backseat and was left unharmed. She is now helping with the investigation.

I hate how shootings have increased and the government hasn’t done anything about it. In school shootings alone, there have been 11 shootings since 2018 started. That is less than a month! I’ve covered other articles regarding gun violence and control and my argument only continues to be supported. There is no reason for guns to be held in homes. In gun ranges or hunting grounds it makes sense- but at home? This law was created when it was necessary that we protect ourselves. At the time, we didn’t have a standing army to do it for us. Now, though, we have so many people risking their lives to save us and we still give guns out for people to just do as they please. Gun control needs to be a more serious issue in this country or else many more people are going to die from careless gun crazy people.

1 comment:

  1. Work on formatting. For some reason this blog post is bleeding off of the page.
