Monday, January 29, 2018

Henry Haas- Russian Roulette: President Edition

Today President Trump’s “war on Russia” escalated as speculation over certain acts in the whites house led to questionably unconstitutional motives by Trump’s consultants. The main basis the left has for these claims is the resignation of Andrew McCabe, chief director of the FBI. McCabe was very strongly anti trump in many circumstances and was reportadely seen looking into the President’s supposed involvement in the “Russian manipulation” of the election. White House representatives swore that the president had no involvement in his resignation, and there were no reports on any direct response from the commander in chief himself. This led to some conclusions being made off of very little evidence, something journalists tend to do a lot these days, and ultimately brought us to where we are now. Another big standoff between the left and right. This happened like a week ago guys come on.
Personally I feel both sides are being very childish when dealing with the situation. The right has some shady buisness going on, but none of it directly involves the president in the slightest. This means that Trump needs to get some affirmitive action goin on and get those people out of there or back in line. In the mean time, I feel it’s unjust for the media to make any unfair assumptions on the president based on the resignation of an FBI member. The White House even stated that they had nothing to do with it up there in the Oval Office. That is seemingly enough proof, however it seems CNN and some other places don’t think so. What do you think? Is it ok for the media to jump to conclusions for a good story or do you think that they were justified in doing so? Either way it looks like we could be on our way to another government shutdown so get ready folks.


  1. I don't have any previous knowledge of the topic, but your article sounds like the media was in the Gilded Age with the yellow journalism. The more I think about the media expanding the truth, the more it sounds like how America was before the Spanish-American War, and what if something like that happened today. People put so much faith in their news, and for the news to lie or make things up is really scary, especially that it has brought us to war in the past and could again in the future.
    Brooke Simpson

  2. I agree a lot with what you are saying. The administration needs to do a cleaning of the republican party so that these scandals don't negatively affect Trump when he has nothing to do with it. No action makes it seem like he is at fault and if he isn't, he should be doing what he can to prove it.
