Tuesday, January 23, 2018

the great wall of trump

Paul: Trump border wall cost is 'outrageous'

     In an interview with Rand Paul, a republican senator,  Jake Tapper asked about Paul's view on Trumps desire to spend over 40 million dollars on "the wall". Rand Paul replied by saying how he thought the amount was outrageous. Paul wants to focus on limiting immigration to the states as well but he would like to focus more on limiting chain migration to the "nuclear" family instead of the extended family.
     I agree with Paul's opinion of the amount spent on the wall would be outrageous. The president says that organized crime is coming in to the country through immigrants. There is many other ways to prevent this including but not limited to increasing border patrol. My opinion on the wall is that people are going to find ways around it and when trump realizes this he will just want to make it bigger and bigger spending more money each time that could be used in another form and give better results.
Remi White


  1. I completely agree. That money for the wall can be much more use to other things that need to be done like maybe the military or something else.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The wall is very unnecessary. The money it would take to build it could be put to way better use

  4. Margot Tortolani
    I agree that this is outrageous. To be honest this seems like way too much to pay for a solution that isn't that great. I feel there are other ways to mend the issues we may face.

    1. The only problem with this idea is that many other problems come from many different solutions. Trump’s plan isn’t the greatest, but when it costs only the price of about 12 fighter jets ( and trust me we buy a lot more than 12 every month ) it could be worth a shot

  5. Like pretty much everyone has said already, it's clearly an insane price for something that doesn't necessarily need to be done like that.
