Monday, October 31, 2016

Madilyn Weems

In this article the author discusses how the FBI officials are unlikely to finish their review of new emails potentially related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private server before the November 8 election. Officials have been meeting to discuss whether the investigation should even continue at this point and if it will only cause more harm than anything else. Officials are still taking measures to uncover the story and bring truth to the situation. In my opinion, I believe it's ridicules to even have a candidate running that needs to undergo an investigation. Our leaders should represent the best of the people we have, or at the minimum good integrity. It's a shame our two main leaders are Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. This relates to Andrew Jackson in his Kitchen Cabinet, in the fact that he went behind many peoples backs to get things done the way he wanted, including illegal things like the Trail of Tears. 


  1. Yep, you basically said it. There isn't a good choice, and it's hard to find a "lesser evil" in good conscience. Clinton appears to have corroborated with the DNC against Sanders (and likely much more), while Trump probably doesn't pay his taxes and is definitely racist. The thing that really worries me about Hillary is that if she is elected, we'll never know if she's actually supporting something or just trying to gain the public's approval. With Donald Trump, his language ("the blacks," "no one respects women more than I do") makes it a bit more obvious when he just wants your vote.
    -Cal Thompson

  2. in my opinion, an investigation is an investigation, if they aren't gonna do it because she's a presidential candidate then thats unconstitutional, I'm sure.

  3. I'm just about done with this election; I want it to be over, but I don't want it to end either. Someone's going to be put in that office, pick your poison.
