Monday, October 31, 2016

Cal Thompson, 1st period - Fancy Schools: Fancy Results?

This article explains the glorification of selective high schools. Parents will go out of their way to pay for tutoring or even a move. The article goes on to explore the actual benefits of such schooling, which aren't many. Actual academic improvements are small or nonexistent. However, students at selective schools report feeling safer and are more likely to attend school.
This article relates to us especially due to our high school. While the article mostly reflects upon academically selective schools, Booker is still evident in the image it paints. We feel safe here because we are surrounded by artists, just as people attending TAG may feel more at home surrounded by intellectuals (not that I am saying the terms are mutually exclusive in any way, and I truly do wish booker put more emphasis on academics). It's nice to know that elitist schools may not be as beneficial as perceived, especially considering their often costly nature. Even our dear school seems harshly selective at times. Some students are able to move to make their acceptance easier, while others cannot. Some can afford to drive daily to school. We are not on even ground, even in this haven, and we must acknowledge this. Some of us loathe going home at the end of the day due to our family lives, and many of us suffer from lack of sleep. However, we have this magical place, and it is not perfect, but it is ours, and I am very tired, so I bid you adieu.



  1. It's nice to know people feel safer in a "special" school, but it's disappointing that other schools are looked down upon because they aren't "special"

  2. I feel as if maybe the article was targeted towards smaller, private schools that are costly and expensive and out of the way for parents. Booker T, I feel, as a public school, stands out as excellent in a way that anyone can get in regardless of income or financial status, and that it's solely based on talent.
