Tuesday, October 25, 2016

liza kaye: father jumps with two kids off bridge


This article was written at 3:33 on 10/24/16 by Sheena Jones.

A father and his two toddler children were found after jumping off of a 100-foot bridge over a river. The father was killed but the two kids were found miraculously conscious. Trees found near the bridge cushioned the toddlers fall, making them survive. There are claims that the father intentionally did this, which seems quite obvious. This relates back to the abundant cases of domestic violence. Violence has occurred from the beginning of history and is still everlasting. Violence can branch into different sectors such as domestic violence. Back in the reform movement age, there were temperance acts because liquor would often cause more violence.


  1. This is so sad. I can't believe someone would ever try to kill their children like that.

  2. This is something very tragic. Cant believe this story!

  3. It awful what people can do! But, you have to go deeper, what was happening to the family for this person to try and kill himself two children who had no opinion in the matter. I'm fascinated to what the situation was.

  4. I also wrote on this! It is so depressing that someone would even think about doing this to their poor children. This poor mother will have a long hard recovery now!

  5. what a tragedy that three lives were put at risk at the fault of only one of them! Curious what truly led the father into doing this.

  6. It's amazing that the toddlers survived, but it's sad that they were having to survive anything.

  7. How devastating. I wish people would get help before acting.

  8. What I want to know is.. what exactly was the cause of them jumping off in the first beginning? I mean, why did he take his children?
