Saturday, October 29, 2016

Liam Taylor - Trump VS Clinton Comic Book

Summary: In this article I read, it talks about a new comic book that just hit stores, entitled, "Trump Versus Clinton: Uncivil War."  Throughout the story, Trump and Clinton are put in different positions, for example, Donald is Thor and Hillary is the Silver Surfer. And in another one, Donald is portrayed as Dr. Doom Donald, and she's Red-Skull HIllary. Essentially, this entire thing is just to poke fun at the childish candidates and their hatred for each other. In some ways, it is just so easy ot make fun of the two because they are both so immature, and they make great comic material. And, these comics just prove how unreal this election seems.

Analysis: This article was written Friday, October 29, yesterday. I can clearly tell that his point of view is that he doesn't like either candidate, and that he was writing this to express his loss of hope in the 2016 election. I feel as if he was trying to be relatable as well, because I know plenty of people who have also lost hope in the election. Personally, I think this is very importnant to us, because as much as I distrust both candidates and dispise them, I don't think it's good to just blow this election off. Unless there is a pull througb from an independent party, then one of the two will have to be president, so it's better to just pick one that you agree with, maybe the lesser of two evils. It's sad to say that, but I believe it's true.

Synthesis: Honestly, you can synthesize these comics to any election. 2000, 2008, 2012, and all the way back to the 1800's. The reason I say this is because every election creates political cartoons. Although this is an extreme case, because and entire comic was published, this is still a form of poking fun of the politics of this election, like all the others.

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