Monday, October 24, 2016

Madelyn Dean - Election May Be a Turning Point for Legal Marijuana

This article written by the New York Times defines the challanges, both benefits and drawbacks, to the legalization of Marijuana. For this movement to progress California and four other states would have to vote to allow recreational cannabis. The federal government for the most part has let the states choose to legalize marijuana except, of course they must pay taxes. However because of the Federal Marijuana Ban companies have had difficulty with setting up bank accounts and the use of credit cards. Although Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug like heroine, it is a mild drug less harmful than tobacco or alcohol. It's predicted that if marijuana is legal for recreational use in California to then there will be less drug arrests and more income tax.

This author wrote the article to show both sides of the legalization of recreational marijuana, with no bias to either side. I gathered that marijuana is not a dangerous drug and benefits both the economy and the good of the people. The whole "movement" relates to the prohibition movement and the desire to prohibit the drinking of alcohol In America due to the ineffective drunk workers and family abuse at home. Even though that's rather the opposite of the states attempting to rid the drinking of alcohol, this is the same general idea of devising a solution to a greater problem.

Election May Be a Turning Point for Legal Marijuana


  1. I find this very interesting and it will be exciting to see whether or not marijuana gets legalized in more states. I like the comparison of this to the temperance movement.

  2. This is definitely interesting. Personally I think marijuana should be legalized. It has medical benefits and can be very difficult to obtain, even in the most benign forms (such as extractions like CBD that don't have any psychiatric effects) for people who need it but cannot afford to move or get a specific prescription. It does have the potential to increase symptoms of anxiety, but as someone with anxiety, I have found that very few things are free of this potential (even hugging is stressful please explain how long hugs are and what to do with my arms and how heavily can I breathe if I just ran and am having trouble inhaling but am now expected to partake in a hug?). Marijuana is, as you said, less detrimental than tobacco and alcohol. But of course, people are allowed to wreck their brain cells by drinking - but heaven forbid they get high.
    -Cal Thompson
