Monday, October 24, 2016

Hannah Howell- Boy Speaks Spanish After Waking Up From Coma

Summary: An Atlanta teen was hit in the head during a soccer game in September and suffered an extreme concussion and slipped into a coma. The boy was hospitalized and was unconcious for a while. When he woke up, something extraordinary occured. He was speaking fluent Spanish. His parents say he spoke a little Spanish beforehand, not not anywhere close to fluent. This is called foreign accent syndrom and there have only been a handful of known cases around the world. Doctors say this is due to an impairment of motor control.

Analysis: I have never heard of such a thing happening before and was amazed when I read this article. I this is such an obscure syndrom, and on the outside it could appear kind of cool, but is probably quite disheartening in reality. I hope the boy fully recovers and regains his ability to speak English.


  1. This is really interesting in my opinion, because shows how the brain works. It's unfortunate that he can no longer actively communicate with his family, but hopefully he can end up retaining both languages.

  2. This article give the public an insight on just how little humans know about neurological anatomy. Best wishes for the boy and his family!

  3. This story is crazy! Everything happens for a reason though. I wonder hoe people hundreds of years ago would have handled this situation if it ever occurred back then.

  4. That's a little nuts. It sucks that he couldn't talk to anyone for awhile and that he was in the situation to begin with, but I think it's interesting to see how our brains work and all that.

  5. This is crazy! I didn't know that could happen to a person, and I would love to know more about how it works.

  6. This story really fascinates me on how the human brain works! Before this case I've never heard of Foreign Accent Syndrome and would love to be educated more about it because it is very interesting to me. I hope the boy will be able to communicate very soon with his family and friends.
