Monday, October 24, 2016

Ethan Lacey- Soldiers asked to pay back bonuses

After soldiers where offered hefty bonuses and great benefits to re-enlist in the army due to low amounts of enlistees, they are being asked to give back that money, being said it is a crime. Former master Sgt. Toni Jaffe, pleaded guilty to giving out money, estimated around 15.2 M, to soldiers that where not eligible for bonuses or benefits. Now, soldiers are being asked to pay back that money.  Van Meter, purple heart recipient, is being asked to pay up 46,000 dollars, he describes it as gut wrenching. The national guard and the defense have come out against these actions.

This article shows how the government will do anything to pick on the smaller man for some money. This situation has not only been shown to be handled unjustly, it has also been sloppy, taking almost 5 years to have actions ready. This event could be connected to the mistreatment of the ill and injured at fort hood, which was investigated in 2015.  This showed that the government cutting corners to save money, which has shown to be a very serious problem in this current event. All of this shows that the government has major problems when handling situations that hold major gravity.

1 comment:

  1. This is very two-faced of the government to pull out on something like this, to the people who defend our country.
