Monday, October 31, 2016

Leslie Z-One Canadian town bans teenager from trick-or-treating

We’re all excited, today is Halloween, one of the most waited holidays of the year. The only day out of 365 days that we’re allowed to be freaky and mysterious without getting trouble in with the cops. For many is not only about the costume but rather about the candy. A celebration in where not only children are participant but also everyone no matter the age, but one Canadian town is the exception. Bathurst, New Brunswick has forbidden teenagers from trick-or-treating this year. Any individual older than 14 years are ineligible to go trick-or-treat and anyone who fails to do so will be charged up to CA$200($149). Not only have they prohibited teenagers from taking part of the national holiday but they also banned any type of solicitation after 9 o clock and use of facial masks.

The article from the BBC news informs us of how different regions of the world react and respond towards Halloween. As far as the laws goes I feel like the Canadian town has violated some of the basic rights of the people because everyone should have the right to practice their individuality without having the government controlling how they dress and how they practice a certain holiday. Plus, who can really say that a teenager is too old to go to trick or treating no matter the age people are young in heart.


  1. THIS IS HORRIBLE. Nobody should be told that they cannot participate as a nondestructive trick-or-treater in halloween. This year I physically cried because I had rehearsal on halloween until 9:30 (I got home at 10 and saw people in costumes and kinda just spiraled). But the point is, I kept going for next year. I know deep down that next halloween will be lit as heck, so I churn on and hold in the tears. Nobody has the right to take away halloween. It's the best holiday.
    -Cal "Crying in the Corner" Thompson

  2. I understand that everyone has their own feelings as separate countries, but to ban it completely for certain ages is a bit pushing it, especially because so many kids look forward to it as a time to have fun eat candy and be whatever you want

  3. Halloween is a day that every kid looks forward to and taking that away is just not fair.
