Sunday, October 30, 2016

11 year-old bullied to death -Zia Bella Blair 7th

A brain cancer survivor, only eleven-years-old, shot herself on the back porch of her home in Ohio. Bethany Thompson suffered brain cancer in 2008 and a tumor caused an uneven smile. Her parents believe that that was the major reason kids bullied her. It was revealed on the day of Bethany's death, she told one of her friends that she loved her and that she was her best friend forever but she was going to kill herself when she got home. She was also bullied the previous year but according the the Superintendent "it had been addressed.' According to him "there was no evidence of a pattern of bullying this year."
I was horrified to hear about this event. I think its so sad that a little girl could be pushed so far as to end her own life, especially after battling cancer. Schools need to be more aware of bullying and put a stop to it immediately. Kids should never reach this point of desperation.


  1. Bully is a serious issue and no one should ever be driven to suicide by the harming words of others. Now her family is without a daughter and her friends are without a friend all because of words that got too bad to bear.

  2. It truly saddens me to learn that someone so young was pushed to the point of ending her life due to mean kids and neglectful teachers. The fact that she was strong enough to survive brain cancer and yet let bullying affect her so much really shows how bad the situation must have been for her.

  3. This is so upsetting to hear. I hope this sheds light on the never-ending bullying situation in this world. I am so sorry that a strong young girl was pushed to suicide by others and their harmful words.
    -Linnea Soderlund
