Monday, April 21, 2014

Teenage Stowaway - Lizy Rutherford, 4th pd

A teenager from San Jose, CA, in an attempt to run away from home, climbed into the left rear wheel well of an aircraft taking off to Hawaii. He picked the plane at random, but it cost him. Since the well is not pressurized or heated, he faced extremely thin air (at 10,000 feet) and survived temperatures as cold as -80 degrees when the plane reached 38,000 feet in the air. The 16 year old became unconscious and remained so until an hour after the plane landed in Honolulu. He has not been charged with a crime yet.,0,5355557.story?track=rss#axzz2zXiFVLxC

This is a really insane story. I'm surprised that he survived at all, and with minimum injury, it appears. I can't imagine facing oxygen deprivation and facing extremely cold temperatures. Although he was really stupid for climbing into a wheel well of a plane (he could've fallen out during takeoff/landing), it sounds rather exhilarating. I don't remember doing that much when I was 16.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I wonder where exactly he stowed away. You would think that he would have fallen off after he went unconscious, but props to him for having the guts to do something like that.
