Monday, April 21, 2014

Carsin Ablon, 1st period APUSH - Powdered Alcohol Has Arrived

A company called Palchohol has manage to concentrate the adult consumer beverage of alcohol in a powder form. Like that of powdered milk, the packaged powder requires only a small amount of water and time to settle before your convenient beverage is ready. The product's purpose per se, is to get alcohol (or powder) into otherwise non-alcoholic venues, thus allowing the buyer to consume and enjoy the potent alcoholic effect discretely. The product, as claimed by the website, will be sold in the U.S. soon, and aims to help drinkers avoid over-priced drinks at sports games and clubs.

This product shows the nature of the consumer. Making an easily abused, highly taxed and disputed  product into an even more lethal, potent, and sneaky form, can only cause trouble. Part of the reason this product has received so much attention, is due to the consumers tendency to snort the alcohol while in powdered form. The product, although it may achieve its goal of discrete drinking, may have achieved discretion to a point of illegality.

To read more, see:

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if this is so bad on it's own, but Americans will find a way to abuse it.
