Monday, April 21, 2014

Dallas Civil Rights Activist dies at 92: Devon Travis

A couple of days ago, William Blair Jr., a Dallas Civil Rights Activist died at the age of 92. He was a graduate of the ORIGNAL Booker T Washington High School (!!!!!) and was known as a pitcher for the Negro baseball league starting in 1946. Blair was known for starting a newspaper highlighting black sports called "Southwest Sports News" in 1949, and he established the Martin Luther King Jr. parade here in Dallas. Blair's newspaper was changed to "Elite News" in 1960 to talk about other black arguments and struggles during the civil rights movement. His family and friends are at an extreme loss this week.

It's amazing to me that there are still, although very few, people who live and led the Civil Rights Movement; on top of the fact that Blair was from Dallas, I wonder what his experience at Booker T was! He had so much to share, and Blair put in so much work to help educate other blacks in the community on simple things such as sports, or hard pressing news. Although this article is sad because we mourn his death, it is a passage to reminisce on his life and all the amazing things he did for black rights and importance in our city. Rest in peace Bill Blair.

to watch the clip of his remembrance click here!!!

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