Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Byron Otis-Paul Simon and Wife Arrested

After a heated argument in their fancy home, an hours train ride away from manhattan in their insanely affluent neighborhood, Paul Simon, the famous half of Simon and Garfunkle. He and his far younger wife were led out in handcuffs because of a fight the wife says that "she started." They are now released, after showing the public how nice they can be to each other by holding hands and promising to go to their son's baseball game. I'm glad Paul Simon won't be in prison. Perhaps I shouldn't be, though. Maybe he would have written a song aboutit.


  1. I'm not going to lie, I laughed when I heard this. Edie said that Paul Simon wasn't a threat at all to her. I feel like this isn't as serious as it's made out to be.

  2. Yes. I agree. Couples have fights. It's as simple as that. Also Paul Simon is my man.

  3. I would like to hear a Paul SImon prison song.
