Monday, April 21, 2014

Teen hitches ride in jet's landing gear and lives to tell the tale - Carolyn Villalobos 4th Period

Yesterday, a 16-year-old boy ran away from home and stowed away in the wheel well of a Boeing 767. The flight departed from San Jose, California and arrived in Maui, Hawaii, a trip which lasts about five hours. The boy somehow endured altitudes as high as 38,000 feet, little to no oxygen, and temperatures as low as 75 to 80 degrees below zero without falling from his perch in the wheel. The life expectancy of a feat like this is 24 percent, which makes his survival even more amazing. The FBI was originally involved, but dropped out of the investigation when they realized the boy wasn't a threat, just a runaway. He faces probable permanent brain damage and even possibly frostbite or a kidney injury because of his trip.
I find it incredible that he survived such a long trip and such extreme temperatures and stuff. I hope he has minimal health and neurological problems and that he'll be okay at home again.


  1. its astonishing how he survived this adventure!

  2. It is truly amazing that he survived. I hope he is ok.
