Monday, April 21, 2014

Beijing Develops Technology to Supply Water - Victor Ragsdale 4th Period

Seawater to supply Beijing in 2019 

Victor Ragsdale - 4th Period

           Beijing Enterprises Water Group develops a reverse osmosis membrane technique to desalinate water, which will in return allow for Beijing to "save and recycle used water at the consumer end." The project will begin reaping results by 2019. 

      This is a great method of providing water to China; however, I will need more information before I fully approve the technique. I worry that there may be adverse effects to the surrounding marine ecosystems, which may - as a result of the project - experience immediate significant changes in chemical concentrations. The project includes saltworks processing the salt. But the questions remains as to whether or not large-scale desalination efforts would result in negative effects in the environment. 

Victor Ragsdale - 4th Period


  1. I completely agree with what you said. In theory, this sounds like a great idea, and I hope it works out without inauspicious repercussions.

    1. Thanks for understanding my worries. These are the consequences we have to consider before making decisions that have the potential to affect the planet. Happy Earth Day!
