Monday, April 21, 2014

16 Year Old Stowaway in Plane: Gloria Jones

A 16 year old boy hid in the wheel well of a plane during a five hour flight from San Jose to Hawaii. He was able to jump the fence to the runway and crawl into the wheel well before take off. However, he fell unconscious right after take off. In a plane hitting 38,000 ft, temperatures of 80 below, in a space with no oxygen, and a high chance of being crushed by the wheel, falling to your death, or being mangled by machinery there is about a 24% survival rate.

Honestly, this is just insane. First of all what possessed him to do this. Second of all, how did he get passed the supposed invincible airport security. However, it is also exceedingly impressive. The fact that this boy made such an incredible journey and survived. He is currently in the custody of Hawaii's welfare, but the FBI has dropped any charges after discovering the boy was not a threat but rather a run away.

1 comment:

  1. first off, with such extreme conditions how is the survival rate 24%? you would expect it to be much lower. that's incredible for such a feat, I want to know his motive for hiding in the wheel well.
