Monday, September 25, 2017

Trevor Turnbow // Protesters Delay Health Care Bill Hearing

      A group of protesters cause a ruckus at the hearing for the last ditch effort to repeal Obama's health bill. The hearing was for the presentation of the possible Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill. It's the only hearing scheduled before the September 30th deadline for health care set by the president. They removed the protestors, which included wheel chair bound citizens, but shouting could still be heard from outside. It's a controversial bill, with some saying its fundamentally wrong to be treating health care as a commodity that can be brought and sold. The majority of the population experiences a major illness at some point in their life so health care is VERY important.
     This is great example of Trump making a snap decision and removing a piece of legislation with nothing to fill the gap with. He created this whole mess just to fulfill a campaign promise, and left congress to deal with it. Fully knowing that congress is so divided and things getting done their quickly is not something to be expected. More thought should've been put into all these moves he has been making.
     These protestors are entirely within their right to speak up and speak out against something that will affect their access to life saving resources. Health Care should not just be for those who can afford it, it's awful to just leave a huge portion of America hanging out to dry with the removal of this bill. If their healthcare is repealed finally what will happen in the interim? These protestors are 100% justified in their outrage that such an important decision that affects millions of lives was made with no replacement plan in mind.


  1. This an important issue and I agree with your stance that health care should be for everyone.

  2. Health care is very critical and it should be affordable and easily attainable for people of different financial situations. And if they are going to get rid of Obamacare at least provide an alternative that is better for the people.
    -Taylor Knighton

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