Monday, September 25, 2017

Madison Pollak// 35 people arrested after rally held for Meriden couple ordered to leave the country

Giaconda and Franklin Ramos have been in the U.S for 20 years, since the mid 90’s they have been trying to obtain legal citizenship. Although their documents might not say there “American” they are Americans at heart, they have a whole life in this country including two sons that are legal U.S citizens. Over the years they have been granted stays, but on Friday they were ordered to leave the U.S and return back to Ecuador.
A protest occurred in front of the Immigration and Customs enforcement in Hartford, it was a plea of desperation to save Giaconda and Franklin Ramos from deportation. Although the demonstration ended peacefully 35 protesters were arrested. Giaconda and Franklin Ramos plan to not take refuge and hope they can tie another green card through the sponsorship of there son.
This article was written to inform readers about the protest that occurred in front of Immigration and Customs enforcement in Hartford and allowed readers to view the hardships that friends and family face when a loved one is getting deported.

Our Country currently is receiving lots of hate and backlash from citizens about  policies and societal issues, regarding this it intrigues me that people like Giaconda and Franklin Ramos are lining up to live in a country they love although it might not love them back. This made me realize it’s not our Country, which we should be mad at, but the administration running it.


  1. I think this is so horrible, if it's such a big problem to be considered a citizen, then why doesn't our government try to work with the people who are requesting citizenship? I get that standards need to be reasonably high, but I feel as though there is a little bias going around through the decision making.

  2. Couldn't agree more. Those people are Americans and have very fairly earned the right to abide in this country.
