Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ian Hille 6th period post #3

Recently, the Saudi Arabian government has started to ease restrictions on women driving. According  to the Saudi Arabian Foreign ministry's official twitter, a royal decree has been issued that will allow women to drive. A committee has been formed and will work to have everything ironed out within the next 30 days.

I think this is great that the women of Saudi Arabia will finally have the rights to drive. In the U.S. things like that can often be taken for granted because we are so used to it, but it is important to remember that we are lucky to have what we have here in the U.S. and that not everyone is as fortunate as we are.


  1. I believe it is important to recognize the blessings that Americans have. Also I wonder if we will more freedom for women in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East in the future.

  2. This is great. It's one step closer to a future with equal rights for woman around the world. It's tha little things that allow us to build up to a bigger goal.

  3. Margot Tortolani
    This is good news. It's good to see that some progress is being made, regardless how small. It's exciting to see women gain standing.

  4. Wow. That's some progress made in equality for women in Saudi Arabia right there. Unlike their government, our president is more focused on cursing at NFL players in tweets.

  5. This is a great step for gender equality for the world. People are finally started to realize that gender doesn't define what you can and can't do in life.
