Monday, September 25, 2017

Ian Hille 6th period post #2

Today the foreign minister of North Korea announced that they have every right to use self defense against U.S. which they say includes shooting down U.S. Strategic bombers at any given time. The Foreign Minister says the have the right to do this after President Trump "declaired war" on them after his recent twitter post saying that North Korea "won't be around much longer." The White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has said the the U.S. Has not declaired war on North Korea, and she further said that the idea was "absurd".

I think that the recent thing going on between the U.S. and North Korea is quite scary. Many people are afraid that a Third World War is starting to brew, but I'm hopeful that these issues can be solved and we won't have a Third World War.

1 comment:

  1. someone take Twitter from Trump - we need that block option for people from one of the Black Mirror episodes.
