Monday, September 25, 2017

Manon McCollum - Collins to vote 'no' on Graham-Cassidy bill, likely dooming it

This administration's new healthcare bill, the fourth in a series of unsuccessful bills, was most probably killed by Senators Collins, McCain, and Paul. The main purpose of these bills was to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, with little to no plan to replace it.

I am extremely glad that the GOP healthcare bill has, once again, been defeated. It seems like, with each iteration of the bill, premiums just get higher and higher, and less and less people are covered. I applaud the actions of the very rare moderate republicans in maintaining common decency in government.

In the 1930s, when social security was first implemented, a provision for health care was conspicuously absent. There was a push for health care the Roosevelt administration, but petty political divides and issues with the states stopped that progress.

1 comment:

  1. I am also extremely glad that the bill fell through, how many times are they going to try to pass it? Three failures really didn't send the message? It still baffles me how Trump can want to take healthcare away from millions of Americans without second thought.
