Monday, September 25, 2017

Hurricanes and Our Minds// Thursdae Sierocki

  Hurricanes affect more than just our physical surroundings, they affect us on a huge psychological level. "Unlike the physical damage which is all too obvious, the psychological toll will have effects that cascade over time," says Dr. Octavio N. Martinez Jr. The physical effects can eventually be cleaned up and homes can be restored but the emotional and mental effects can last lifetimes. Anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and sadness are all effects that are overlooked because their normalicy in society. Most articles you read only focus on the ways people's lives are torn apart but never on how this will effect parents, children, families for years to come.
   This article was written within the time of several hurricanes as a result of global warming. It speaks to the audience in multiple ways b connecting physical issues with mental problems to ruin families lives in years to come. The article is educating people on the overall effects of a hurricane, more than the eye can see.



  1. I hope that the people who have experienced these hurricanes are safe now and are being helped!

  2. I hope that people in hurricane allies always have a back up plan no matter what, but a lot of people don't have the choice to have one.

  3. All this destruction is terrible, but the psychological damage that will affect so many is even worse. Hopefully people do whatever they can to help these victims and hopefully others will start taking global warming more seriously.

  4. I think this is a very important issue that should be addressed more often. Post traumatic stress is a very serious illness, and having more therapists for victims may help with this.

  5. It is a truly sad to see these people in the Caribbean lose their homes, livelihood, and family. The devastation that these Hurricanes can cause is astounding. I hope that the people who have been affected will get the help they need.

  6. It's so sad to see tragedies like this happening all at once in especially the countries that people aren't talking about like Cuba. These people will probably not get the mental help they need and will have to live with that burden their entire life.

  7. It's great how (not really, this sucks) most of the panic is being forgotten. For the residents of Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc the dangers are just getting started. On the radio this morning, a couple said they were going to Miami in two weeks for their honeymoon. I was like, "how are you going to Miami when it was just underwater?"
