Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner jailed for 21 months for sexting underage girl


A former New York congress man, Anthony Weiner, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for lewd instant text messages sent to an underage girl. US District Judge Denise Cote said: Weiner "has a disease. He has a compulsivity. Some say a sex addiction." He knowingly asked a 15 year old girl to send him photos of her body and asked her to undress on camera.

I think thay this is absolutely disgusting and the fact that he tried to revive his political career is actually messed up. He needs to accept the fact that his career is over and stop promoting this kind of behavior. If he had been elected mayor of New York, it would show someone who can do those awful things can still be successful and be an authority figure.


  1. I agree with you completely. Men in power that abuse their responsibilities should be punished, especially when they repetitively do it.

  2. Especially in a time like this with the president we have, people need a strong good leader who will not misuse their power.

  3. I agree with Aeva and Myah. We need to start teaching men (and everyone for that matter) that their actions have reactions to them and they shouldn't use power as an abusive tactic

  4. Absolutely disgusting. I agree with what Julia stated about how not just men but EVERYONE should be educated that their actions have consequences, especially someone in a position of power.
