Thursday, September 28, 2017

Abortion laws By:Thalia Wallace (SUMMARY):
   In Chicago , the republican Governor (Bruce Rauner) won praise on Thursday from some unlikely corners. The American Civil Liberties Union and the Chicago Abortion Fund stood behind Mr. Rauner as he announced that he would sign a bill expanding abortion coverage for women on Medicaid. The Illinois House of Representatives called the decision “an absolute betrayal” and said he was withdrawing all future support for the governor.
“It was a hard-left, liberal stance,” said the floor leader, State Representative Peter Breen, who predicted that Mr. Rauner might now face a challenge in next year’s Republican primary campaign for governor. 
 Now, by signing the abortion law he had once seemed to oppose, he has enraged the conservative wing of his own party and added to a sense of tumult  within the Republican Party.
(Feedback): I believe that he did the correct thing by signing the bill, I know this is a touchy subject but in the long run if a women will not and cannot provide the best life possible for that child, for whatever reason I feel she should have the right in any state to take the actions needed. And for personal reasons I don't want to offend anyone therefore that's all I have to say on the subject


  1. Abortion is a right all women deserve. Its amazing to see someone with a typically conservative mindset vote to help women. A woman has the right to choose what to do with her body.
