Monday, September 25, 2017

Pope Francis Accused of Heresy

Conservatives accuse the Pope of spreading heresy


Analysis: Conservatives have accuse Pope Francis of spreading heresy among today's Catholic population. This is a very futile attempt because Pope Francis is very popular for his reforms of the Catholic Church. These Conservatives disprove of his reforms because they believe it goes against the original laws of the Catholic Church. Last Saturday, the Pope received a letter with over 20 signatures saying that they speak for those with a "lack of freedom of speech", they say he supports heretical positions on marriage and other things to life. The Pope has not responded to these comments and the Vatican declines to comment.

My Thoughts: It's not a big surprise. Pope Francis is a very modernistic Pope with bright ideas of reforms that could be made to the Catholic Church. It is not a big surprise that there is resistance to these changes. Many of these ideas or principles have been around for centuries and have not been changed since. The fact that Pope Francis is trying to address this angers many radicals of the church. I believe that Pope Francis has the right idea with his new reforms to the Catholic Church.

Published By: Brandon Min
6th Period



  1. I personally think Pope Francis is a great and influential leader in today's world and he definitely doesn't deserve accusations of heresy.

  2. There are always going to be individuals who disagree with the current people in power. In today's world, there isn't much power behind accusing someone of heresy, much less (arguably) the most powerful and influential religious figure of the modern world.

  3. I agree with Larsen and since this is cnn is may not be as accurate as other news sources, but this is still very disappointing.

  4. Pope Francis, I think, has been the most influential pope for people outside of the Catholic Church in a few decades and I think that he is a great leader, especially in the hot spotlight that is having the entire world expecting the head of such a historical church to trip up.

  5. Pope Francis is a very important leader in today's religious world, and doesn't deserve to be accused with "heresy." I also agree with Larsen and Theresa that CNN may not be the most trustworthy source to draw this information from.
