Tuesday, December 11, 2018

xxx tentacion's new album "skins"- zion melaku


XXX Tentacion's estate recently released a nw album,Skins. This album was released the same year of his death, furthering his legacy. He was a very popular influencer and artist in the American culture, as many people, teens especially listen to his music and his message. 


  1. That is so cool that he has another project i know his fans are going to be excited.

  2. I think it's amazing how even after an artists death, new work can be released. It makes me happy to know that the hard work he put in didn't just go to waste.
    -Ryan Mecca

  3. Okay so i love X but honestly i don't understand why they are using his name for money. Tragically he is dead and many people are using that as a advantage to themselves because of his name. THEY EVEN DID THE SAME THING WITH LIL PEEP! And plus honestly alot of people did not like the album. I listened to it a little but then i was like why am i supporting these people using his name for profit? Another thing is that if he was alive he would make MUCH BETTER music and it really is a shame that they are putting music that isn't that great out under his name knowing alot of people will listen to it which for them means money. ALSO HIS MOM IS HORRIBLE. When he wasn't as successful she did not want him and when he got fame and money she came around again. And honestly do yall see the merch? Not only have the prices gone up but the deisgn have gotten worse and worse, and shes just trying to MAKE PROFIT OFF HER DEAD SON!
    - koko chen

  4. I agree with the above comment, though its nice to continue his legacy, they are doing it purely for profit, and a lot of these so called fans, have just hopped on because he died. You should relate to history -kloe rhoden
